Monday, April 10, 2017

UPDATED 4-11-17

UPDATED 4-11-17

I hope that this is not just another Publicity oriented effort aimed at re-gaining lost support, gaining added support and discrediting the evidence that point to the CIA having compromised Wikileaks and Julian Assange

Instead of making brief personal appearances at the balcony of the London based Ecuadorian Embassy in order to provide the much needed proof of life and instead of providing information due to us and/or disclosing credible and result producing information, Julian Assange is engaging in PR and damage control activities through movie / film making which, after all, was the family business that he grew up into and learned from at a very early childhood age

Like I often said, Assange needs to get real and to fire his PR advisors

This is not the way to gain support and funding from the public who has become awaken and sees through these types of deceptive practices


On 4-11-17, I wrote a comment in response to another persons short review of this RISK documentary.

His review is here:
#RISK Julian Assange Documentary trailer review #RISK #JulianAssange

My comment has been copied and pasted below just in case any viewer has the same concerns as the person who reviewed this documentary:

Hello Ed

I would like to fill in some blanks based on the content of your brief review of the Assange Risk documentary. This may help you in subsequent reviews of the same documentary

Firstly, this documentary was filmed over and throughout a six year period, as per published reports

Please see:

In addition, and in response to your comments and findings, please note that:

1-The RISK Trailer opened up with the voice of Assange's "steady Betty" / “adoring lackey”, Sarah Harisson who was calling the US State Department on behalf of Assange and in response to Assange's request while she and Assange were both residing at Norfolk U.K where Assange was under house arrest. Take a look at this link for the noted video which has Sarah's voice making the call at issue:
The title of this videos is: Julian Assange calls the US State Department
2-The video’s introductory image proves that the stated phone call was made from the Norfolk UK residence where Assange was placed under House arrest during 2011 and 2012
3-During the noted phone call, Assange was seen instructing Sarah to claim “emergency” and wrote the word “emergency” on a piece of paper instead of telling her verbally so that not to obstruct the phone call. The RISK trailer shows Assange’s face responding to the word “Emergency” and looking the way he looked on the day the noted phone call was made. Assange was shown on the Trailer being pleased with the word “Emergency”, however, the Trailer did not show that his pleasure was in response to Sarah’s compliance with his written request to say the word “Emergency” while she was making the call to the US. State Department. Assange’s pleasurable reaction was omitted from the phone call video when it was edited for publication, however, you can see that his reaction to the word “Emergency” was directly linked to the events of the phone call video at issue. It follows that this Trailer segment, with the word “Emergency”, was also taken from the same videotaped phone call.

Why was it used so much in the Trailer when it did not serve any important purpose and when it was not linked with any important and productive task that Assange had taken ? I have no idea.. Judging from the Ambulance sound that was fabricated and was injected into the body of the RISK Trailer, as a background sound effect when the word “Emergency” was uttered and was used only as means of obtaining a quick access to Hillary Clinton, I am guessing that it was done for purpose of fabricating the illusion of an important lifesaving event with great results so that Assange can look good..! Please note that the Ambulance Emergency sound was not even in the original video when the phone call was made.

As you can further see, Assange’s Trailer segment of exclaiming “we don’t have a have a problem” was also taken from the same videotaped phone call. In my humble opinion, these are cheap shots for sensationalism.. Assange has been videotaping his House arrest intensively.. and this is all he can show for? I am guessing again that this was the only video log whose segments could be used to convey false messages to the public and to invite the level of curiosity that would result in the purchase of movie tickets
Wikileaks' Julian Assange records video blog of his house arrest 16 Jun 2011
4-With regard to Assange’s motorcycle makeup video, the mystery was solved in the link below, which published the same photo, from the same video, in an article that promoted the RISK documentary and described the photo as:

“In this still image from "Risk," Julian Assange, haired dyed, puts in contact lenses to help disguise his appearance as he prepares to seek safe haven in Ecuador's Embassy in London. Courtesy Praxis Films/Field of Vision”

As you can see, the identified timeline proves that this video / photo was taken when Assange was still free to move around ad prior to getting political asylum from the London based Ecuadorian Embassy. Your confusion, as to the timeline, was the result of un-identified non-chronological event blending in the RISK documentary.
5-While I was researching the content of this Trailer, I bumped into this Assange Interview that took place in March of 2015. See link below. In this article he looks the way he looked in the RISK Trailer with the garden type of background near him and he is also wearing the same jacket.
Byline Investigations Embassy of Ecuador, London July 2015

Please note that this article was published in July 2015, but the content of the article identifies the timeline by stating:

“This interview was conducted in late March, shortly after the Swedish Prosecution Authority announced they were to reverse their decision to demand Assange’s presence in Sweden to question him over sexual assault allegations.”
This may look like the only time that Julian was seen looking this old, but if you visualize Julian in long hair, at the time the above noted “Emergency” State Department phone call was made and you keep in mind that he was somewhat free to ride a motorcycle before he found political asylum at the London based Ecuadorian Embassy, then it would be reasonable to conclude that during the brief time of his pre-asylum freedom and prior to having the motorcycle short haircut, Julian may have had the long hair that was visible in the RISK documentary and that this was the time that the RISK video segment was taken. Do not forget that this film maker, Laura Poitras, was filming Julian practically most of the time. I have no other reasonable answer about this one but I am sure there must be a good excuse for this somewhere.
I hope I have been of help in providing some type of information that would aid in your review of the RISK documentary. Let me know what you think of my humble take on your review.

I am an Assange supporter, however, I am not as loyal as I used to be as a result of all the evidence that came out and which pointed to a conclusion that Assange and Wikileaks have been incrementally compromised by the CIA since 2010 and after the criminal charges surfaced against Assange. This was indeed the very devious purpose of these fabricated charges. I feel sorry for Julian Assange but my loyalty and my support attach to deeds and not to emotions.

Most of my posts about Assange and Wikileaks were posted in my Collection titled “WORLD POLITICS”, however, last week I have dedicated a Collection to Wikileaks for all the obvious reasons. Its title is, of course, “WIKILEAKS”. Feel free to visit them in the links below: WORLD POLITICS COLLECTION WIKILEAKS COLLECTION


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