Thursday, January 31, 2019


1 comment:

  1. “Satan is an occult title—not a person/thing. The satanic elements are a cult who bring into a false reality their unusual beliefs. When that false reality is ended, Satan simply does not exist; it is called a paradigm shift in physics. I looked at that whole topic in the forensic archeology of the Khazars; it dates back to the Babylonian cults of Ba’al and the human sacrifices, mostly of children. It has transmuted into what is now known overtly as the Catholic Church—a highly sanitized quasi-blood ritual—the cult of Ba’al, or for whom the bell tolls. The origins of the Jesuits trace all the way back there also. Reference the evidence on the Fukushima incident when the Jesuit [Black Pope Peter Hans Kolvenbach] proclaimed himself Satan. It is a high black church title much like Pope. I don’t let this nonsense threaten me; they are psychotic criminals and nothing else.
