Friday, January 5, 2018

Freedom Daily



"Wikileaks has now acknowledged that Donald Trump’s Administration had ended the US Government’s Grand Jury proceedings against the infamous whistleblower.

On Tuesday, WikiLeaks posted a tweet announcing the end of the eight-year-long grand jury proceedings against Assange’s organization.

The proceedings were expanded in 2017 to cover the WikiLeaks various ‘Vault’ releases exposing the CIA’s extreme public surveillance through advanced technology and hacking.

Anonymous White House leaker, QAnon, recently revealed that President Trump was preparing to issue an official pardon for Assange, once he has helped him with extradition to Switzerland, in return for information"


"While the legality of what Assange’s organization has been doing is questionable at best, when it comes to legality, there’s no doubt that what he has done has furthered the greater good in a way that most of us could never have imagined doing. It would be great if the world didn’t need a Wikileaks and everyone just did the right thing because it was the right thing. However, they do not, and so accountability is a must.

At this point, President Trump is fighting for Assange’s right to freedom, just as hard as Obama was fighting to lock up the purveyor of truth.

“Trump’s attorneys argue Assange’s First Amendment right to publish

In a motion filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Dec. 29, 2017, in the case Roy Cockrum vs. Donald J. Trump for President, Trump’s attorneys argued that Julian Assange had a right under the First Amendment to publish the DNC and John Podesta emails, even if the emails were stolen.

The case was orchestrated by Project Democracy, a group run by former attorneys from the Obama administration, arguing that then former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone had conspired with the Russians to publish the DNC and Podesta emails.

In a 32-page motion defending the Trump Campaign, Michael A. Carvin of the Jones Day law firm and attorney of record representing President Trump, argued that the Trump campaign, and by inference Julian Assange at WikiLeaks, could not be held liable under the First Amendment for a disclosure of stolen information if the information published involves “a matter of public interest” and the speaker was not “involved” in the theft.

Technically, Assange has not yet been indicted of any criminal offense in the United States, nor is it clear if he committed any crime. Under the Supreme Court Decisions New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964), and in the Pentagon Papers case, New York Times v. U.S. 403 U.S. 713 (1971), a journalist is allowed to accept and publish classified documents provided by other sources“

It’s time that the United States government encourage accountability instead of trying to shut it up. This is the type of environmnet that the Trump administration is attempting to foster, and the same one that the Obama Administration tried to choke out at any cost."


Wikileaks has now acknowledged that Donald Trump’s Administration had ended the US Government’s Grand Jury proceedings against the infamous whistleblower.

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